Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie

Einträge für April 2007


"Primary care is dying in this country, largely because the the government which sets both the amount that doctors are reimbursed for their time as well as pattern by which private insurance reimburses, has decided that cognitive skills are less valuable than throwing a lot of procedures at the patient."
Panda Bear, MD (31.12.2007)
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
Sir Matthew James Barrie
"Wir brauchen eine Grenze der Privatautonomie."
Verfassungsrichter Ferdinand Kirchhof 2009
"Herr Sarrazin hat die grundlegenden genetischen Zusammenhänge falsch verstanden - seine Aussagen beruhen auf einem Halbwissen, das nicht dem Stand der Evolutionsforschung entspricht."
Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V. 6.9.2010
"If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy."
Philip R. Zimmermann 1991


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