
Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Man muß endlich Schluss machen mit der Ideologie der Freiberuflichkeit."
Ulla Schmidt (SPD) 21.7.2003
"Die Kassenärztlichen Vereinigungen haben einen sogenannten Sicherstellungsauftrag, weswegen man vor gut siebzig Jahren das Streikrecht aufgegeben hat."
Andreas Köhler (KBV) 29.5.2008
"As people who are disconnected from the cost spend more and more, suddenly there has to be cuts. Since it is not your money, the people whose money it is (Government) will then decide on how its spent and will have to limit it."
Throckmorton 6.5.2009
"The private providers of healthcare are like the private providers of computing for Connecting for Health. These greedy people just focussed on milking the NHS cash cow for what they could get while delivering as little as they could get away with - which turns out to have been almost nothing. Why don't governments learn from their mistakes?"
Dr Grumble 28.12.2009
"Herr Sarrazin hat die grundlegenden genetischen Zusammenhänge falsch verstanden - seine Aussagen beruhen auf einem Halbwissen, das nicht dem Stand der Evolutionsforschung entspricht."
Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V. 6.9.2010


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