Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie

Artikel mit Tag medienpfusch


"Wir müssen die Monopole der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigungen brechen."
U. Schmidt (SPD)
"In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and norms of behaviour."
"If anyone is to blame for moving from a professional contract to a jump-through-the-hoops contract it is the government. All this comes, of course, from listening to management consultants who seem to think that people will work only for money and have no concept of professionalism. Professionalism is under threat. It is very sad."
Dr Grumble 23.11.2008
"So langsam bereue ich ja, gegen Wahlcomputer gekämpft zu haben. Die hätten wir im Superwahljahr echt brauchen können."
fefe 24.3.2009
"Der Bundestag produziert einfach viel zu viel Müll."
Konrad Schily (MdB) 3.5.2009


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