In dieser Woche 171 Patientenkontakte und 13 Terminausfälle. Bis auf Weiteres habe ich erst in 10-12 Wochen wieder Termine frei.
Es bestehen erhebliche Zweifel, dass Cannabis bei ADHS etwas nützt.
The time has come to initiate research on withdrawal phenomena related to antidepressants, and to redefine the use and indications of these medications. Long-term antidepressant use is substantial and appears to be on the rise. Awareness of this phenomenon should be increased, such use should be prevented when possible, and reasons for long-term use need to be examined.
Schönes Beispiel für die Segnungen randomisierter Studien in der evidenzbasierten Medizin: In the first ever RCT of parachutes, the topline conclusion was clear: parachutes did not reduce death or major traumatic injury among people jumping from aircraft.
Soulfood: Dub FX - 'Flow' feat. Mr Woodnote