Gerät zur Früherkennung von Demenz

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Es ist vertretbarer, allen Bürgern eine Grundversorgung zukommen zu lassen, als nur wenigen einen Zugang zu allem."
Prof. U. Wiesing (BÄK, Ethikkommission) 30.4.2008
"Providing insurance doesn't do you a helluva lot of good for people who don't have any doctor to accept it."
Daily Kos 13.12.2008
"This case is weird. Call psych."
"So langsam bereue ich ja, gegen Wahlcomputer gekämpft zu haben. Die hätten wir im Superwahljahr echt brauchen können."
fefe 24.3.2009
"A few years ago I realized that my bonus, based on my "quality" management of diabetes, was compromised by the poor quality of my patients. I then dismissed many of the alcoholics and non-compliant (more correctly, I maneuvered them to dismiss me -- much less hassle); and my bonus scores have greatly improved. I thought I was clever, but I've come to believe that this is exactly what the the network, the insurance companies, and the gov't, wants me to do."
Manalive 12.4.2009


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