Wahnsinnswoche 2021:43

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Ich bin es leid, mit anzusehen, wie die Ärztefunktionäre das Geld der Versicherten veraasen."
Andrea Fischer (Ex-Gesundheitsministerin, heute BARMER)
"When the government and insurers have effectively rationed the medical care you receive, and have forced you to pay out of your pocket to receive timely care, are you getting a rebate on your premiums or on the taxes you pay? Hell, no. You still keep paying the same huge premiums and the same 15% out of your paycheck, but you have fewer and fewer doctors to choose from and you have to wait longer and longer for care."
White Coat 26.11.2008
"Um nur einen einzigen Kassenvorstand zu entlohnen (€ 20.000,-- pro Monat) müssen rund 100 Arbeitnehmer ihren monatlichen Zwangsversicherungsbeitrag entrichten."
Carlos Gebauer 24.4.2009
"The private providers of healthcare are like the private providers of computing for Connecting for Health. These greedy people just focussed on milking the NHS cash cow for what they could get while delivering as little as they could get away with - which turns out to have been almost nothing. Why don't governments learn from their mistakes?"
Dr Grumble 28.12.2009
"Vertraut dem Volke und arbeitet für dasselbe. dann wird auch euch der Lohn nicht fehlen, wenngleich der Abbruch zahlreicher Einrichtungen, das Verschwinden vieler Menschen, die völlige Umgestaltung des öffentlichen Lebens den Gedanken unserer Vergänglichkeit ganz nahe bringt."
Rudolf Virchow (1902)


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