Wahnsinnswoche 2018:15

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"'tis an ill wind that blows noone good."
Freewheelin' Franklin
"Wir grasen einfach nur ab"
Eugen Münch (Rhön-Kliniken) 2007
"The Government are a bunch of cunts. And they are cunts who hate doctors."
Dr Rant
"Any eventual reform to health care, regardless of who wins, is going to become the usual mess based first on ideological inclination and then processed through the machine of money, industry influence, political pandering and either "compromise" or "cooperation," depending on how one views unwillingness to demand absolutes."
Healthcare Blog 25.8.2008
"Das Problem liegt darin, dass die Normen der Industrie auf Krankenhäuser übertragen werden, obwohl es um Menschenleben geht. Der Mensch im Krankenhaus ist heute kein Mensch mehr, sondern eine Fallpauschale."
Ulrich Hildebrandt 21.12.2016


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