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Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Wir hatten den 'größten Feldherrn aller Zeiten', den GröFaZ, und jetzt kommt die größte Verfassungsbeschwerde aller Zeiten."
Wolfgang Schäuble (Bundesinnenminister, 9.11.2007)
"Bürokratischer Irrsinn ist der einzige Jobmotor, den wir in Deutschland noch haben."
(Timo Rieg, Journalist)
"Any eventual reform to health care, regardless of who wins, is going to become the usual mess based first on ideological inclination and then processed through the machine of money, industry influence, political pandering and either "compromise" or "cooperation," depending on how one views unwillingness to demand absolutes."
Healthcare Blog 25.8.2008
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
Sir Matthew James Barrie
"This case is weird. Call psych."


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