
Übersicht - Einträge für Januar 2019


"No human being is boring. If we feel bored, one of two things is happening - either the patient is avoiding what's really bothering him, and the words are a cover, or the patient is talking about an issue that we haven't resolved for our self, and boredom is our defense."
Elvin Semrad
"Denn wer erneuert, macht sich alle zum Feind, die aus der alten Ordnung ihre Vorteile zogen. In all jenen aber, denen die neue Ordnung nützen würde, findet er nur lasche Verteidiger."
Niccolo Machiavelli
"The trouble with many people’s notions of how to bring business innovation to health care is that they are saddled with assumptions that apply to other aspects of the business world, but do not necessarily apply to health care."
The Physician Executive 20.8.2008
"If anyone is to blame for moving from a professional contract to a jump-through-the-hoops contract it is the government. All this comes, of course, from listening to management consultants who seem to think that people will work only for money and have no concept of professionalism. Professionalism is under threat. It is very sad."
Dr Grumble 23.11.2008
"Mit einem Mal steht er wieder auf der Bühne - der thymotische Citoyen, der selbstbewusste, informierte, mitdenkende und mitentscheidungswillige Bürger, männlich und weiblich, und klagt vor dem Gericht der öffentlichen Meinung gegen die misslungene Repräsentation seiner Anliegen und seiner Erkenntnisse im aktuellen politischen System."
Peter Sloterdijk 8.11.2010


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