Wahnsinnswoche 2022:36
In dieser Woche 150 Patientenkontakte und 14 Terminausfälle.
Sie erreichen mich telefonisch am Montag und am Donnerstag zwischen 14:30 und 15 Uhr. Da ich keine Psychotherapie anbiete und in den nächsten 12-16 Wochen ausgebucht bin, bitte ich von Terminanfragen abzusehen.
Nur wenn Sie in Wuppertal wohnen, können Sie in dringenden Notfällen derzeit noch ohne Terminvereinbarung in die offene Sprechstunde kommen - bei anhaltender Überlastung behalte ich mir aber vor, diesen Service in den nächsten Wochen einzuschränken.
With cannabis being used both recreationally and medicinally, King's College London is carrying out a wide-reaching scientific study into its effect on the human brain.
Largest Ever Study Into the Effects of Cannabis on the Brain. Medscape 5.9.2022
Eine COVID-19-Infektion ist offenbar über mindestens 2 Jahre mit einem erhöhten Risiko für neurologische und psychische Erkrankungen verbunden. Dies gilt auch für Kinder.
Dauerhafte Hirnschäden? Risiko für psychiatrische und neurologische Erkrankungen nach COVID-19 mindestens 2 Jahre erhöht. Medscape 2.9.2022
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is the direct and deliberate destruction of body tissue without intent to die. This article describes the static and dynamic risk factors for NSSI in adolescents and adults, which can help us perform a suicide risk assessment.
Risk factors for nonsuicidal self-injury: A review of the evidence. Current Psychiatry. 2022 August;21(8):15-25
E-Rezept: mangelhafte Verfügbarkeit, unzureichendes Verständnis bei Verschlüsselung, Sicherheitsniveau inakzeptabel.
E-Rezept: Sicherheit nicht ausreichend, Datenschutz mangelhaft. CCC 8.9.2022
Kontext: E-Rezept: Testurteil „Nicht so geil“. apotheke adhoc 8.9.2022
A few reminders to my fellow privileged white men who want to try to be non-assholes:
— T. Ryan Gregory (@TRyanGregory) September 9, 2022
You need to understand the concepts of privilege, power imbalance, implicit bias, positionality, intersectionity.
It is not the job of any equity-deserving people to educate you.
1/ pic.twitter.com/iayZSwbEV3
The mortality risk is high among characters in Game of Thrones. The probability of dying within the first hour after first appearing on screen was about 14%. By the end of the seventh season, more than half of the important characters had died, with violent deaths being the most common by far.
"Death is certain, the time is not": mortality and survival in Game of Thrones. Inj Epidemiol. 2018 Dec 10;5(1):44
At present, there are 10 times as many people with mental illnesses in jails and prisons than in state psychiatric hospitals. In other words, we've substituted jails for treatment facilities.
Have American jails become the inferior replacement for mental hospitals? Salon.com 5.9.2022
Nothing would prevent the whole universe from going completely crazy because it would cost you less and less energy to become more and more crazy.
The Physicist Who Slayed Gravity’s Ghosts. Quantamagazine 18.8.2020
Soulfood: Particle G1 - Erland Cooper and Hannah Peel
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